Cut & Paste Paper Arts Blog

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Saturday, July 29, 2006

Crop Weekend!


Due to popular demand, we have just scheduled the next Crop Retreat Weekend. Since this weekend is limited to just 8 croppers, we recommend that you book now for the best room selection.
Here are the details:
When?: Friday October 13 (check-in after 3pm) thru Sunday October 15th (check out by 3pm)Where?: The Craftsman Bed & Breakfast, Pacific City (Oregon Coast)
How Much?: $300 per room--max occupancy 2 people. This works out to just $150 per person for the weekend when you and a friend book together.
What do you get: Exclusive use of the B&B for 2 nights, a weekend of fun, 3 feet of crop space just for you, a weekend of fun, 6 meals (dinner on Friday thru Tea on Sunday), a weekend of fun, snacks galore, a weekend of fun, prizes, a weekend of fun, use of our Creative cutter and other tools, a 15% pre-crop discount at Cut and Paste for you to load up on necessary supplies (limited product will be available for purchase at the crop, but specific items and brands are not guaranteed) and more! Plus did we mention a weekend of fun?

Note: A 50% deposit is due at the time of sign up. Reservations are only accepted on a room basis. If your reservation must be canceled for any reason, this deposit is only refundable if we are able to rebook your room. Reservations will be taken on a first come basis and you will select your room when you reserve your spot. For more details on the B&B amenities, check out the Craftsman Bed & Breakfast website at

Our last weekend was great fun.....we don't want you to miss out on this one!


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